Tuesday, November 21, 2006

To call or not to call?

I felt impressed to call my husband this morning after yesterday's events. So I did.

It was amazing, but I actually felt his shame over what happened. Knowing him as I do, I realize that it sunk into him what an error in judgement it was. He didn't blow up as he normally would when challenged with his error. Again, all praise be to the Lord Jesus Christ for His goodness. I know that the Lord is working on his heart, doing heart surgery as only He can. He is doing His thing in me too, making me stronger in Him and more loving and caring towards my husband.

I can face today knowing that He is going to come through for me. He will come through for you too if you just ask Him to take over your marriage situation. You can rest assured that it is His will that you remain married, despite all evidence to the contrary. Never mind what your family, friends, neighbours, colleagues, or church members say: Jesus can and will restore your marriage if you let Him. The challenge is that you have to be willing and open to whatever He directs you to do. Trust me, He'll never let you down.

I invite you to let Him into your life. You will never regret it.

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